Creating a Real-time Chat Application with Streamlit and Neo4j
Building a real-time chat application can seem daunting, but with the right tools and a bit of Python knowledge, it's entirely achievable. In this tutorial, we'll walk through creating a simple real-time chat application using Streamlit for the frontend and Neo4j as the backend to store chat histories. This setup will use Docker to run the Neo4j database and Streamlit to launch our Python application. We'll also integrate a mistral-instruct LLM to enhance our chat functionalities.
Before we begin, make sure you have the following installed:
- Docker
- Python 3
- Streamlit
You can install all the necessary Python dependencies by running:
pip install streamlit langchain_community python-dotenv neo4j
Alternatively, use the provided requirements.txt
pip install -r requirements.txt
Additionally, ensure Docker is running on your machine as we'll use it to host our Neo4j database.
Setting Up Neo4j with Docker
To start our Neo4j database, navigate to the directory containing docker-compose.yml
and execute:
docker-compose up -d
This command runs our Neo4j instance in the background. You can access the Neo4j browser interface at http://localhost:7474/browser/ to visualize and interact with the database. Try running the Cypher query to see the nodes:
Remember to shut down the Docker container when you're done:
docker-compose down
This demo application is using the open source model mistral, which you can download using Ollama. Follow the instructions at Ollama to install ollama. Once you have installed ollama, download the model using:
ollama pull mistral:7b-instruct
Building the Streamlit Chat App
Let's dive into the Python code. Here’s a simplified version of our
, which powers our chat application.
Code Explanation with Comments
# Import required modules and components from various packages
import streamlit as st
from langchain_community.chat_message_histories import Neo4jChatMessageHistory
from langchain_community.chat_models import ChatOllama
from langchain_core.chat_history import HumanMessage, AIMessage
from langchain_core.output_parsers import StrOutputParser
from import (
from dotenv import load_dotenv
import os
# Load environment variables from a .env file into the system environment
# Retrieve Neo4j database connection details from environment variables
NEO4J_URI = os.getenv("NEO4J_URI")
# Define the local large language model to be used
local_llm = "mistral:7b-instruct"
# Set the programming language for the chat session
programming_language = "java"
chat_history_session_id = f"session_{programming_language}"
# Define a system prompt that explains the AI's role
SYSTEM_PROMPT = """You are an expert programmer in the programming language specified by the user.
Your task is to carefully read the user's question, and provide a clear answer with step-by-step
explanation. Try to give alternative implementations if possible."""
# Setup the chat prompt template with system prompt and placeholders for chat history
chat_prompt = ChatPromptTemplate.from_messages([
("system", SYSTEM_PROMPT),
("human","Programming Language: {language}\nQuestion: {input}")
# Initialize the Neo4j chat message history handler
message_history = Neo4jChatMessageHistory(
# Function to generate a response using the chain of chat operations
def generate_response(chain, input_text, chosen_language=programming_language):
response = chain.invoke({"input": input_text, "language": chosen_language, "chat_history": message_history.messages.reverse() or []})
message_history.add_messages([HumanMessage(input_text), AIMessage(response)])
show_message(response, "assistant")
# Helper function to display messages in the Streamlit interface
def show_message(message, role):
with container.chat_message(role):
# Function to display all messages from the chat history
def show_messages():
for message in message_history.messages:
if isinstance(message, HumanMessage):
show_message(message.content, "user")
show_message(message.content, "assistant")
# Initialize the language model and chain of operations for parsing and handling responses
llm = ChatOllama(temperature=0, max_tokens=1024, model=local_llm)
chain = chat_prompt | llm | StrOutputParser()
# Set Streamlit page configuration
st.set_page_config(page_title='My Language Tutor')
intro = f"""
Hi, I am your programming assistant.
I can help you with any {programming_language} programming questions you have.
# Create a container in Streamlit for managing chat interactions
container = st.container(border=True)
# Display all previous messages
# Input loop for new chat messages
if prompt := st.chat_input("How can I help?:"):
show_message(prompt, "user")
with st.spinner("Generating response ... please wait"):
generate_response(chain, prompt)
Running the Streamlit App
To start the chat application, use the following command:
streamlit run
You should now see the chat interface in your browser, where you can type messages and get responses from the AI model. The full code for this is at Chat History With Neo4j
That's it for a simple chat application with Streamlit and Neo4j, enhanced by an AI language model. Whether you're looking to expand this application or apply these concepts elsewhere, the possibilities are endless. Happy coding!